कुल पेज दृश्य

मंगलवार, 7 दिसंबर 2021

TDL CODE for Toolbar Button | TDL file kaise banaye by Rajiv Mishra computer class

 TDL PLAYLIST : - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3OwfzHiGFsAjgxYzZQBUtJ5btzC0dc51

TDL CHAPTER 77:- https://youtu.be/fND31-N0ESc TDL CHAPTER 78:- https://youtu.be/hIAFXaOEdXE TDL CHAPTER 79:- https://youtu.be/PW4isAdC57w TDL CHAPTER 80:- https://youtu.be/hdPuzzIyIIw TDL CHAPTER 81:-https://youtu.be/1MNuLYCzQNs. TDL CHAPTER 82:-https://youtu.be/sdsaN-OW8WU TDL CHAPTER 83:-https://youtu.be/eYF6gkGJtJU TDL CHAPTER 84:-https://youtu.be/vWcjy55NfHo ==========================================

[#Menu: Gateway OF Tally]
Add: Toolbar Buttons: ledgerhotkey

[#Form: Default]
Add: Toolbar Buttons: before : HelpButton : ledgerhotkey

[button: ledgerHotKey]
Key: ALT + Z
Action: alter : Ledgerclosingbalance
Title: "Ledger Balance"

[Report: Ledgerclosingbalance]
Form: Ledgerclosingbalance
Title: "Ledger Balance"

[Form: Ledgerclosingbalance]
No Confirm: yes
Part: Ledgerclosingbalance
Option: Small size form

[Part: Ledgerclosingbalance]
Line: Ledgerclosingbalance

[Line: Ledgerclosingbalance]
Field: Ledgerselect, Short Name field
Local: Field: Short name field : Set as: $closingbalance:ledger:#Ledgerselect

[Field: Ledgerselect]
Use: short name field
Table: Ledger
Show Table: Always

============================== Previous Lesson's TDL CODE: Find/ Search Empty Ledgers https://rajivmishra1902.blogspot.com/2021/12/tdl-code-select-all-delete-object.html You should watch this for:- Tally TDL, Tally TDL Code, First Tally TDL, tdl file kaise banaye, tdl file for tally erp 9, how to create tdl file in tally, how to make tdl file in tally erp 9, Amazing TDL Deployment: Full Coding in Hind, How to Upload TDL file in Tally, How To get free Tdl Files, Download All TDL File for Tally ERP 9, Edit TDL: Make Own TDL File Optio, TDL, Tally Prime TDL, tally tdl programming tutorial, what is tdl in tally erp 9, free tdl for tally erp 9 download, best tally tdl. apna se tdl kaise banate hain, can we create tdl file, create tdl file, creating own tdl,

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