;;===================================================CODE By Rajiv Mishra=================================================
[#Line: EI ColumnOne]
Add: Option: Disc EI ColumnOne: @@IsSales
Add: Option: Disc EI ColumnOne: @@IsPurchase
[!Line: Disc EI ColumnOne]
Local: Field: VCH DiscTitle: Set as: "Disc Amt"
Local: Field: Default : Style : Normal Bold
[#Line: VCHBATCH ColumnOne]
Add: Option: Disc EI ColumnName: @@IsSales
Add: Option: Disc EI ColumnName: @@IsPurchase
[!Line: Disc EI ColumnName]
Local: Field: VCH DiscTitle: Info: "Disc Amt"
[#Field: MPSDiscountTitle]
Set as: "Discount Amt"
[System: Formula]
CalcedAmt: ($Rate * $BilledQty) - $BatchDiscount
NrmlAmount: ($BilledQty * $Rate) - $BatchDiscount
[# Field: EXPINV DiscTitle]
Info : $$LocaleString:"Disc."
Border : Thin Left
Align : Centre
Width : 5
Style : Small
Invisible : If (@@IsJobOrderOut OR @@IsJobOrderIn OR (@@IsSales And (@@AcctsInvoice OR @@AcctsInvoiceMfgr))) Then Yes Else (NOT @@WithDiscount OR (NOT @@InvWithRate AND NOT @@InvWithAmt))
[#Field: VCH Discount]
Delete: Format
Add: Format: "Nopercent,NoZero"
[#Field: VCHBATCH Discount]
Delete: Format
Add: Format: "Nopercent,NoZero"
[#Field: VCH Value]
Resetval: if (@@NoBaseUnits OR $$IsEmpty:BilledQty) then $$Value else (($Rate * $BilledQty) - $Discount)
[#Field: EXPINV Discount]
Use : Number Field
Align : Right
Style : Small
Set as : $Discount
Width : 5
Border : Thin Left
Format : "NoZero,NoPercentage"
Invisible : If (@@IsJobOrderOut OR @@IsJobOrderIn OR (@@IsSales And (@@AcctsInvoice OR @@AcctsInvoiceMfgr))) Then Yes Else (NOT @@WithDiscount OR (NOT @@InvWithRate AND NOT @@InvWithAmt))
Try the following classroom management tips in your online / offline class and enjoy your own teaching with learners.
What is it?
CF is a teaching jargon for language teachers or for anyone. Actually it is a classroom tool. It is positive feedback given to learners to help finding solutions to areas of weakness s/he may have. Therefore, it used with supportive intention and it is also used as a positive communication tool to discuss specific error or problem.
We need CF for:-
Improve learners morale.
Increase Knowledge.
Reduce confusion regarding performance of the learner and teacher's expectation
Give valuable insight.
Positively impact a learner’s behavior.
How to make your error correction feedback constructive...
you can take help from these :-
Super! You're on the right track now!
You are really working hard these days.
You are very good at that (topic).
Good work!
I'm happy to see you learning like that.
That's much, much better!
I'm proud of the way you performed today.
That's the best you've ever done.
That's quite an improvement.
I knew you could do it.
then add your point for correction.....
Super! You're on the right track now! I would like to add a few things,,,,,
I'm happy to see you learning like that. You can make these sentences beater like......
Before using CF in class, I would like to drag your attention towards an important point.
Basic difference between CF and destructive feedback. Destructive feedback points at mistakes and it is a direct attack on the learner. In destructive feedback, no practical advice, no correction or not any supportive feedback is given.
Examples of Destructive Feedback:-
“Your answers are wrong.”
“Don't you understand?”
“It's wrong?”
“You're wrong?”
“You have no idea what you are doing.”
Tips for CF:-
Start your conversation with the nicer things you found in the homework. Simply it is appreciation - GOOD JOB!!
Focus on something nicer point different from your expectation from the specific learner.
"I do remember my own class homework checking days."
in an online beginners language class, I assigned WH family homework.
One of my learner answered "I prefer Rice to Roti." for the question "Which do you prefer rice or roti?" I was not expecting the correct answer form her. I was so happy with her answer. I appreciated her for this unexpected answer (as it was a L1 class).
Focus on your observation only.
CF should relate to what you can see or hear about that learner’s performance in class instead of making assumptions and interpretations.
Focus on skills that can be improved.
CF should be about language skills that a learner can change and improve on rather than on something that is out of his/her comfort at this level. Possibly someone's Grammar is good, reading skill is good, or his / her communication skill is better etc. Focus on positive skills first.
Provide suggestions and solutions.
CF should include a specific answer or advice to improve the content next time.
Examples of CF:-
Look at the following examples of giving CF:
Nimmi has been a learner in your class for three months. Lately, she seems disengaged and not motivated to do homework. Because of this, her performance and quality is decreasing day by day or to learn with attention, speed is below than expected.
A response can be:
“I have noticed that you don’t look as motivated to do homework as you usually do and it makes me feel like I am not teaching well or my topics are difficult to understand. If these are or there are other reasons as to why you are feeling this way, I would love to talk with you about it and find a better way to speedup your learning. you could be much happier.”
Nisha is not doing homework regularly.
A response can be:
“When you don't do homework every day, it irritates me because it shows like you are not enjoying our class & learning. it has a negative impact on our batch/class. From now on, I really need you to do Homework on time and change your behavior.”
Rajesh has recently taken a more back-seat role in the class as an active learner.
A response can be:
“I noticed that you are not taking as much participation in class activities as you used to. You are a bright student and surely you will have bright future ahead.
How to give CF:-
Here are five steps to give CF:
1. Explain the purpose of your feedback to him/her.
Explain what you will be talking about and why it is important.
2. Describe what you have observed in class and your reaction.
Clearly identify the skill or activity and how it makes you or other learners feel.
3. Give the learner a chance. to respond
After you have explained the purpose, importance, observation, and your reaction, ask the learner what he think about it.
4. Provide suggestions or solutions or advice.
After you hear the learner out, give input as to how the learning can be improved.
5. Summarise everything discussed.
Summarise everything that was discussed to avoid any misunderstandings and areas of improvements. Also, summarising helps ensure that the CF was communicated efficiently.
Thank you for reading TFD English’s article on CF. To further enhance your knowledge and help advance your teaching career,
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