कुल पेज दृश्य

शनिवार, 13 नवंबर 2021

MCQ Questions of Computer Fundamental

Basic Computer Teacher Training 


Assignment 1

Time 10 minutes

Q1    State TRUE or FALSE

A-      Computer is an electronic device.

B-      A computer is faster than human.

C-      Computer takes decision by own.

D-      Computer sometimes answers wrong.

E-      Computer can perform millions of calculations in a few hours.

F-      Computers perform all jobs with 100% accuracy

G-     Computer can store any type of data such as images, videos, text, audio and many others.

H-      Computer can work continuously without any error and boredom.

I-       A computer is a very versatile machine.

J-      Modern electronic components have short lives.

K-      A computer is a machine that has no intelligence to perform any task.

L-      Computers have no feelings or emotions.

Q2-   Fill in the blanks.

A-      Computer is an ____________________ device.  [ Electronic / Electrical ]

B-      Computer speed is measured in  ____________________ . [ MBPS / MIPS ]

C-      Data is ____________________. [ meaningful fact / Meaningless fact ]

D-      Computer takes _______and returns ________[ input, output / output, input]

E-      MIPS stand for _____________.    [Millions of instructions per second /  
                                                          Minutes of instructions per second]

Q3-   Match the following:

A-      Data                                        1-      100%

B-      Speed                                     2-      never gets tired/boredom

C-      No brain                                 3-      power & user

D-      Storage                                  4-      High capacity

E-      Process                                  5-      MIPS

F-      Diligence                                6-      CPU

G-     Dependency                          7-      Input

H-      Accuracy                                8-      Disadvantage


Q4-   Multiple choice questions

A-      A computer accepts ______ from the user.
1)      Value                             2)      Data                     3)      Signal        4) None

B-      A computer is an  ______ device.
1)      Mechanical                   2)      Electrical             3)      Electronic  4) None

C-      We cannot see the ___________ work
1)      Input           2)      Processing                   3)      Output                 4) None

D-      What are the limitation of computer..
1)      No brain              2)      Depend on user 3)      Environment       4) All

E-      What are the advantages of computer
1)      High speed                   2)      versatile              3)      unreliable  4) both 1& 2


{All questions are compulsory}

Q5-   Write the answers of these questions in HINDI or ENGLISH in your Assignment copy as Homework.  Answer as long as possible.

A-      What is the difference between human and computers?

B-      In which situation a computer stops working?

C-      What are the characteristics of a computer?

D-      What is the use of a computer in Chemist shop?

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